20 Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing as Much Weight as You Expected To


This article lists 20 common reasons why you’re not losing weight.

It also contains actionable tips on how to break through the plateau and get things moving again.


1. Maybe you are losing without realizing it

If you think you are experiencing a weight loss plateau, you shouldn’t fret just yet.

It is incredibly common for the scale not to budge for a few days (or weeks) at a time. This does not mean that you are not losing fat.

Body weight tends to fluctuate by a few pounds. It depends on the foods you are eating, and hormones can also have a major effect on how much water your body retains (especially in women).

Also, it is possible to gain muscle at the same time as you lose fat. This is particularly common if you recently started exercising.

This is a good thing, as what you really want to lose is body fat, not just weight.


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