Indonesia’s hospitals in Covid crisis as car parks turned into emergency rooms


Standing outside the glass wall at one of the emergency installations in a hospital in Tangerang, Benten, Uta Verina Maukar, 26, looked at her mother as she lay resting on a bed. She texted her mother, telling her that she was standing outside. Her mother looked at her from across the room, and with an oxygen mask on her face, tried to sit up so she could see her better. They both looked at each other like that for a while. That was the last time Uta saw her mother’s face.

She died from Covid the following day. She was 51.


For Uta and her brother, Varrio Sanel Maukar, 24, everything happened so quickly. When his mother tested positive for Covid on Monday, Varrio tried to stay calm. Her oxygen saturation was about 93%. The next day it dropped to 89%. That Tuesday Varrio visited four hospitals but their intensive rooms were all full.


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