In the Press

Regeneron pinpoints gene variants that protect against obesity, launches search for new drugs

Several research groups have hunted for gene mutations that confer an increased risk of obesity in the hopes of finding new drug targets to curb the world’s expanding waistline.

Healthcare Outbreaks Associated With a Water Reservoir and Infection Prevention Strategies

Hospital water may serve as a reservoir of healthcare-associated pathogens, and contaminated water can lead to outbreaks and severe infections.

Iran COVID-19 surge triggers Tehran lockdown

Iran today reported its highest daily case total of the pandemic, and health officials ordered a week-long lockdown for Tehran, the country's capital.

Delta COVID-19 variant now 83% of US cases

The Delta (B1617.2) variant, first detected in India and now sweeping the globe, represents 83% of COVID-19 sequenced samples in United States, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, who testified today in a Senate committee hearing on the pandemic.

Paving the way for cancer treatments with fewer side effects

In recent years, immunotherapy has revolutionized the field of cancer treatment. However, inflammatory reactions in healthy tissues frequently trigger side effects that can be serious and lead to the permanent discontinuation of treatment.

Scientists identify long-sought marker for COVID vaccine success

Knowing which signatures in the blood predict protection against COVID-19 could speed the development of new vaccines.

Durable CRISPR-Based Epigenetic Silencing

Development of CRISPR-based epigenome editing tools is important for the study and engineering of biological behavior

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in cattle

Harmful bacteria are hiding in livestock; traditional methods aren’t finding them

Assessing the health benefits of air pollution reduction for children.

Children are significantly affected by the health benefits of improved air quality, yet key environmental health policy analyses have not previously focused specifically on children's effects. I

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